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“nothing new”簡單造句,nothing new造句子

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LDRs are nothing new, of course.

Lionesses bearing cubs in the zoo is nothing new now.

Seeing students' book bargain on a campus sidewalk is nothing new, it's true.

But he indicated he was not surprised by the Iranian leader's remarks, saying the rhetoric was nothing new.

Rapid advances in technology are nothing new; what is new in recent decades is rapid advances in the kinds of technology that require intellectual skills.

And then we went to this great Chinese restaurant where my fortune cookie said 'There is nothing new under the sun.

nothing new造句

nothing new under the sun

Night vision technology itself is nothing new.

Deliberate attacks on the unarmed are of course nothing new.

There was nothing new about allowing people universal access to their friends and families.

All texts are palimpsests of earlier texts; there's been nothing new under the sun since Plato and Aristotle and they weren't new either; everything belongs to everybody.

Such protests are nothing new in Venezuela: in May 6, 000 inmates staged hunger strikes over the slow progress of their cases in the courts.

The transfer of water is nothing new.

Thus, Jesus' demand is nothing new for us: Look out!

An outside public relations representative for Baby Einstein said there was nothing new about the refund offer.

The idea that there is a Jewish conspiracy is nothing new, of course, and has been repeated by many prominent people including Henry Ford and Mel Gibson.

Migratory beekeeping is nothing new.

So the mobility of people is nothing new.

Storms and tidal surges are nothing new to this country where many are killed nearly every year.

It's nothing new.

Unfortunately, I have to say that her lack of cooperation spirit is nothing new.

The United States and South Korea, which both participated in earlier rounds of six-party negotiations, along with Russia, China and Japan, dismissed that proposal as nothing new.

All in all, this book says nothing new about courage.

So as I do this, I'm also gonna tell you a few of the life lessons that, believe it or not, I have picked up in these adventures wearing nothing new.

First, and this is nothing new, you should always keep your eye firmly on business needs, not technology needs.

His speech was cut and dried because he had nothing new to say.

There may be deeper issues to deal with than a social media strategy if there's nothing new, innovative or unique to talk about.

The president's plan is nothing new.

There's nothing new about renting, of course.

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