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7、Stop flogging yourself over mistakes over the past.

11、Some faced jeers and flogging, while still others were chained and put in prison.

15、Why were software companies flogging cumbersome products in the form of CD-ROMs rather than as flexible services over the internet?

19、No one any longer dares to practise the cruel corporal and capital punishments that used to be inflicted in the ancestral temples, such as flogging, drowning and burying alive.

1、Punishment by whipping or flogging.

5、Many people decry flogging (or caning).

10、I’ve already made up my mind. There’s no sense flogging a dead horse.

16、Furthermore, Russia's President, Dmitry Medvedev, told CNN last Sunday that he didn't have a problem with flogging weapons to Iran, so long as they were for defensive purposes.

21、This consists of a flogging with an ox-hide thong that has a strip of steel, three to four millimetres wide, running along its whole length (these thongs are made by the prisoners).

4、A leather scourge used for flogging.

12、The physical pain was tolerable, and the most intolerable was the abuse and indiscriminate flogging of the prisoners.

18、AT the peak of India's strange insurance hysteria a few years ago there were almost 3m people flogging life-insurance policies.

3、He received a good flogging.

13、Taxpayers want their money back, but flogging jewels such as AIA may not be the best way to maximise value.

22、Critics of Zhang Juzheng said that he ignored the large amount of cash deposited in the capital city and warehouses around the country, and that to collect money in such a way would inevitably lead to local officials pounding on small people and even flogging them to death.

9、I have already made up my mind, there's no sense flogging a dead horse.


2、A rod used for flogging.

17、Sales have fallen sharply, as developers wait in vain for demand to pick up rather than flogging their properties at a discount.

14、He is starting to sound, I laugh, like one of those adverts on daytime TV flogging dodgy loans.

20、Two of the officers, named respectively Fan Jiang and Zhang Da, asked for a few more days for making preparations, but they were punished with flogging. And Zhang Fei re-affirmed his order in a very stern manner.

8、He was bruised and lacerated from flogging, and it was too horrible to look at.

6、a strip of leather used in flogging.

Tags:造句 flogging
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