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“leukemia cell”簡單造句,leukemia cell造句子

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Experimental studies have proved that it has cytotoxic effect on leukemia cells and to induce programed cell death without arrest of bone marrow by regulating immune.

Study of argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region proteins in acute myeloid leukemia cells

Preliminary study of differential expression of gene JUN in mesenchymal stem cells,F6 tumor cells,SGCs and leukemia cells

AIM To study the differentiation effect of leukemia cell line K562 induced by glucosamine and glucosamine hydrochloride.

The effect of the target of Bcl-2 antisense phosphorothioate oligodexynucleotides combined with chemotherapy on HL60 cell line and the primary leukemia cells

The leukemia cells grow and survive better than normal cells and, over time, they crowd out normal cells.

leukemia cell造句

In our study, we found that methadone is also a potent inducer of cell death in leukemia cells and we clarified the unknown mechanism of methadone-induced cell killing in leukemia cells.

Method The expression of WT1 gene and its DNA methylation status were assayed in leukemia cell lines and normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNC) by RT-PCR and MS-PCR.

In prior studies, Sipkins found that leukemia cells and some solid tumors create specific niches in the bone marrow where they multiply and spread.

Ganglioside GM3 has been proved to be a physiological cell differentiation inducer in several human leukemia cell lines. However, the inducing differentiation mechanism of GM3 remains unclear.

One group of scientists has proposed that alpha-mangostin, can cause cell death in leukemia cells.

Our experiment go further into the therapeutic mechanism of LiuShenWan from inducing differentiation of leukemia cells.

Objective to investigate the gene transduction efficiency of lentiviral vector in leukemia cells to provide key basis for leukemia gene therapy.

Objective: to study the inhibitory effects of allicin and its induction of apoptosis on human leukemia cells HL-60.

Aim:To investigate the differentiation-inducing effect of ursolic acid(UA) on promonocytic leukemia cell line THP-1.

In vitro specific anti-chronic myeloid leukemia cell effect of CTL induced by a multiple epitope BCR-ABL fusion protein

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