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Thousands of Turks have taken to the streets howling for revenge.

He despises her but encourages the infatuation, seeing it as a chance for revenge on Edgar.

The moment you start retaliating or seeking revenge is the same moment you give up control of your life.

If your focus on revenge distracts you from the real focus of your business, then your Nemesis has just won a second time by making you less successful.

After the imperial security escort is slain by a mysterious traveling swordsman known only as The Thunder Sword, the escort's two orphaned children develop their sword skills in the hopes of taking revenge against The Thunder Sword.

This Goujian represents self-improvement and dedication, not revenge.

The laws of nature is merciless, who violated it who will be its revenge.

There is no visible anger, no loud cries for revenge, just silent despair and proud moments of dignity.

Montserrat believed that a lively stage show in which real Egyptian mummies were unwrapped inspired first one writer, and subsequently several others, to pen tales of mummy revenge.


She will revenge her dead sisters.

Less is more: less fear, anger and revenge will definitely make room for something else.

While still a cadet, he and some young officers once took revenge on a regimental chaplain who had criticised them.

Sweeney Todd (1979), Sondheim's most operatic score (and his only show to find a definite foothold in opera houses), once again explores an unlikely topic, this time murderous revenge and cannibalism.

Men can now take revenge and win back their wives.

An annual Redneck Fishing Tournament now brings men to the Illinois River with baseball bats in hand, keen to get their revenge.

Really the story is one of revenge.

The Lord had protected me from his attack and I felt no reason to feel revenge or retaliate.

He is cogitating upon some means of revenge.

When he eventually turned against them, they found new proxies and in 1996 invaded themselves, driven by fear of the génocidaires, a lust for revenge and a growing appetite for diamonds.

"There is a strange secrecy in his nature," replied Hester thoughtfully; "and it has grown upon him by the hidden practices of his revenge."

Mr Ozawa scented revenge.

But the revenge was that I knew he was in prison and that I knew he would be hanged.

It was difficult to work out how to portray Lina's desire for revenge.

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