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欄目: 造句 / 發佈於: / 人氣:3.1W

We instinctively mimic, even to a small extent, the mood, manners, yawns and actions of the people around us.

As for the larger question of why yawns are catching, nobody really knows. Fact is, we don't know why people yawn.

A toad yawns/a gaping mouth(talking Big)

In preterm infants, the number of yawns decreases between 31 and 40 weeks’ postconceptional age, mainly during the day.

She yawns evenly and turns to him.

A person yawns and you believe that person is bored with your message.


His yawns suggested he was either tired or bored.

Our yawns, our moods, our facial expressions, our memories, our office dynamics, our global banking system are all subject to the forces of contagion, it would seem.

This suggests yawns are triggered by an increase in brain temperature and "actually promote brain cooling," Gallup said.

It annoys you when John makes an unusually long grunt when he yawns and stretches at his desk even when you're well rested.

Head flung back as if to howl, the monkey merely yawns.

He plops behind the desk, yawns and rubs his eyes.

Tags:yawns 造句
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