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Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.

The way kids learn to be resourceful is by having to use their resources.

The children are resourceful and well-scrubbed; shining advertisements for the benefits of fresh air, sailing and early nights.

Big-headed: Urban birds, including the crow, have larger brains because they have to be more resourceful about finding food, scientists claim.

I find that I am resourceful.

What is immediately striking is how resourceful the children are.

The general of the army is so resourceful that his army often win the battle.

Mr Gale argues persuasively that the fight continues between this "ever-resourceful enemy" and "our closest plant friend, the grape".

And even when people ask thisquestion, they almost always find a variety of resourceful answers that purportto justify the killing and consumption of animals in the name of human welfare.

He's an old man who is intelligent and resourceful.

Clever and resourceful though he was, he found more than a little difficulty solving the problem.

Critical of earlier historians who tended to treat Garibaldi with condescension, Ms Riall is anxious to display him as the resourceful manipulator of his own legend.

He is a keen and resourceful politician.

You need to start putting your mind and body in a resourceful state constantly throughout the day.

Being resourceful on the other hand means you're the one that mines the resources. You know that you have everything you need, because all the resources are within you.

Plasmas have shown themselves to be very resourceful at avoiding lengthy confinement.


He is bright, personable and resourceful.

The beauty of knowing how to cook is that it makes you resilient, adaptable and resourceful, no matter what ingredients you have in front of you.

Her word takes the metre in the rhythm, manifests one kind of nimble and resourceful caper rhythm US.

Since the dawn of agriculture more than 10 000 years ago mankind has had to deal with a resourceful and fearless enemy, Schistocerca gregaria, the desert locust.

The difference between being resourceful and passively waiting for or seeking resources is dramatic.

The people that get things done are resourceful.

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