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Food shopping can be done online and delivered to your home at a prearranged time.

In dealing with that unpredictable man, you simply cannot follow a prearranged plan, you have to play it by ear.

The coalition government has been in an unstable state since differences came to surface among the senior officials regarding whether the Cabinet's posts held by the Liberty Party are prearranged.

Instead, Collins got them to give him a ride in the opposite direction, by telling them the plane had a nuclear weapon on board—a prearranged cover story to keep the Area 51 craft a secret.

The FPA clause does not cover partial loss of the nature of particular average, whereas the WPA clause over such losses when they exceed a prearrangedprearranged percentage.

One of the cars pealed off and headed back to town as prearranged.

Once again the prearranged applause of the clappers alone burst forth; the public, a little out of their depth, sat waiting.

RESULTS There were 12 dogs surviving until prearranged observation period.

Work has to be done on schedule and in a prearranged sequence.

Some of the troops invaded an affluent neighborhood, Tabalino, where, residents said, armed Qaddafi supporters entered the fray as if on a prearranged signal.


A contest whose outcome has been dishonestly prearranged.

According to prearranged goals and will effort, attention can be divided into: involuntary attention, voluntary attention, and post voluntary attention.

According to sources, the underground remittance system involves a broker in North Korea escorting a person designated to receive the money to a prearranged spot on the bank of the Tumen River.

The pyrotechnic devices will relay prearranged signals based on their colour and characteristics to signal large numbers of troops quickly across a large area.

Start from where you're staying and run to a prearranged location.

Run to your positions when you hear the prearranged signal.

A device that sorts cards, data, or programs in a prearranged sequence

At a prearranged signal he had his troops kill all the senators and the richest citizens; and when they were dead he seized and held the rule of the city without any opposition from the citizenry.

In forward contract, currencies will be traded on the expiration day at the prearranged price while in futures contract currencies will be transferred at the settlement price on the expiration day.

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