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7、In-vitro fertilisation presents a moral difficulty for Catholics and evangelicals who believe that life begins at conception.

11、White evangelicals are significantly more pro-Israeli than Americans in general; more than half of them say they strongly sympathise with Israel.

1、The God most evangelicals now describe is all-loving and not at all angry.

5、Progressive evangelicals, such as Elizabeth Fry, a prison reformer, questioned their own charitable motives with painful introspection.

10、We also earnestly call back erring professing evangelicals who have deviated from God's Word in the matters discussed in this Declaration.


2、For many years, evangelicals have built a home with the Republican Party.

8、Like all evangelicals, they saw themselves as the nation's conscience, firebrands breaking the doze of the established church.

14、"David's death is a result of the hatred planted in Uganda by U.S. evangelicals in 2009," Val Kalende, the chairwoman of one of Uganda's gay rights groups, said in a statement.

9、And then there is "Q", an annual conference of 20-and 30-something evangelicals that focuses on soothing human suffering rather than preaching salvation.

4、Its base is 60% evangelicals, 25% Roman Catholics and 15% "other", such as conservative Jews.

3、White evangelicals remain the most reliable Republican voting block, and their views affect the party's platform.

6、Mr Huckabee expects to win South Carolina, where there are a lot of evangelicals, on January 19th.

13、On Friday, White House spokesman Tony Fratto sought to downplay Haggard's influence within the administration, saying he was only an occasional participant in weekly conference calls between West Wing staff and leading evangelicals.

12、And while she once found herself the lone black parent at home-education gatherings that usually were dominated by white Christian evangelicals, she's noticed more black parents joining the ranks.

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