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He is as richly drawn a protagonist as I've seen on stage in a long time.

In the book, the protagonist passes his days worrying about his colleagues' files spilling onto his desk rather than trying to impress bosses.

But the death of a child is a much rarer occasion in fiction, and very, very rare at the hands of the fiction's main protagonist, which in a game, is you.

The book’s protagonist, Mark Wallace, is an energy analyst.

In fact, the protagonist of Medal of Honor never talks at all.

The protagonist of this story is a classical representative of middle class. She has no any background, but well-educated.

“This not something to be proud of, ” said Wu Yong, who traces his lineage back to Wu Tianxing, a 16th-century salt merchant whom Pan believes was the model for the novel’s debauched protagonist.

The plot defines the sequence of events that lead the protagonist to her objective.

Mr Eastwood's camera bores straight into his characters' souls, discovering the sweetness hidden inside his monstrous protagonist.

Therefore, don’t laugh at those students who are vulgarian, because they may be the protagonist in your future reunion, and the example your MM set up for you to follow.

Before Aeschylus, plays consisted of one protagonist and were narrated by the chorus.

So the vampire genre, Lodge says "allows the protagonist to be both the author of her own destiny and the victim of forces beyond her control."

Mr Pierre’s anti-hero shares much with his previous protagonist, Vernon, and could be an image of his former self.


Another is that of a protagonist as a vigilante hero.

The song's protagonist describes having a "vision of love" and of being eternally grateful not to a lover, but to God; the lyrics are also related to the realisation of Carey's dreams as a singer.

The story's protagonist, William, is an industrious youth with a great imagination.

His protagonist, Omar Yussef, is almost an anti-hero: a creaky ex-alcoholic schoolteacher with painful joints and faltering moral courage.

Modern shooters bring with them particular conventions, one of which is a silent protagonist who remains a mystery to the player.

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