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type genus of the Bryaceae: mosses distinguished by mostly erect and tufted gametophytes and symmetrical short-necked capsules.

Earlier studies have suggested that individuals with symmetrical faces tend to suffer fewer congenital diseases and therefore make better potential mating partners.

Inflation and deflations are symmetrical.

Can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical depending on if the right or left side is identical or not.

Biologically speaking, humans are attracted to symmetrical faces and curvy women for a reason: it's those shapes that are believed to produce the healthiest offspring.


Downward and upward pressures on a currency are not symmetrical.

A symmetrical face is a health cue, as are a good head of hair and masculine features such a strong jaw and a deep voice.

The northern and southern fa? Ades are symmetrical except in the building of parochial Spaces, where on the northen face the steel skin curves to form the main access to the nave.

Symmetrical and asymmetrical balance can be helpful in achieving a solid and clear design solution and thus provide a foundation for rich user interaction.

It oftentimes repeats and it can be symmetrical in that sense.

She likes to talk about symmetrical and asymmetrical triangles.

Fifth, now that I have the list of symmetrical factors, I append it to the original list.

The nodules are scattered and patchy in distribution, and predominate posteriorly and in the upper lobes. The nodules show symmetrical involvement (Figure 2, Figure 3) of both upper lobes.

The Alaskan near-symmetrical volcano is one of the most active in the Aleutian Arcm havng erupted six times in the past three years.

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