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But the peculiarly interesting fact is that re-transference is also possible.

The face of each child, as the amount of his contribution was mentioned, darkened in a peculiarly vindictive manner.

But the owners are also indulging a peculiarly Chinese sense of individuality, using cars to push the personal boundaries of a conformist society.

Above it the Q4000 rig and three attendant vessels have 50, 000 barrels of peculiarly heavy drilling mud and pumps capable of providing 30, 000 horsepower with which to muscle that mud into the well.

Still the policy remained peculiarly an exercise in presidential diplomacy.

The police have proven peculiarly inept at stemming sporadic but recurrent bouts of sectarian strife.

Those for whom Nabokov is, in the words of Martin Amis, "the laureate of cruelty", see his deathbed decree as peculiarly vexing.

This is peculiarly true of ecclesiastical administration.

There is a peculiarly painful chamber inhabited solely by philosophers who have refuted Hume.

Once we were all dressed up, standing in line for tickets at the Society of the Four Arts, a peculiarly Palm Beach institution.


Fathers are particularly and peculiarly doting.

So had no color perception at all but rather peculiarly has devoted her life to investigating color.

Anglerfish species new to Greenland include the peculiarly appendaged Linophryne bicornis, such as this specimen hauled up from a depth of 4, 685 feet (1, 428 meters) in 2009.

Finalize, for instance, is not standard; it is special, and it is a peculiarly fuzzy and silly word.

I believe this present labor supply of ours is peculiarly unadaptable and untrained.

This topic is peculiarly difficult to write about.

Before his peculiarly modest robbery, Verone, 59, sent a letter to the Gaston Gazette.

Rather than placing us still in the Holocene, a peculiarly stable era that began only around 10, 000 years ago, the geologists say we are already living in the Anthropocene: the age of man.

There is a sense that this is a peculiarly Gallic phenomenon, a product of a national culture prone to preening displays of Enlightened virtue.

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