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The graphic pictures would cover about half the cigarette packet's surface.

Notice how SVG uses the idea of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) classes applied to various graphic objects.

I'm pretty skeptical this graphic is going to produce many healthy people except for some highly motivated ones.

For all their graphic bravado, they're no more than a roomful of girls pressing Barbie dolls together for the thrill of doing something dirty.

The wannabe viral video shows River with a pair of normal sized khakis tossed over his right shoulder underscored by a prominent graphic revealing the man's scale shattering weight of 570 pounds.

I'm a writer and a programmer, not a graphic designer.

When a graphic element was changed by law or decree it was chronicled in this document.

If you are interested, he is available for freelance work in fields of illustration, graphic design and digital art.

An Egyptian cartoonist who was arrested and had his graphic novel banned under Hosni Mubarak's regime is to be published in English.

Lillian Schwartz, a graphic consultant at the School of Visual Arts in New York, claims that the image is a self-portrait of Leonardo, which was made using a crude photographic technique.

Like the graphic design and even your company's logo.

It used an interactive graphic novel instead of a textbook, and instead of assignments, there were missions and quests.

They even have some interesting tutorials for aspiring photographers and graphic artists. You might find the tutorials relevant to editing your images.


Is your daughter a graphic designer?

The creation of graphic lines enliven a classic wood floor in Parisian flat.

Meanwhile, we explicate the solution to some technical problems such as the data form, attribute relationship with graphics, the B + tree index of graphic cell of database, flows of data query, etc.

This is a graphic of a typical reactor.

It is a record of recovery, without narration, graphic images or expert opinions, but shot through with the poetry of deeply felt emotions.

Are you doing any graphic design, video editing, or other type of media work?

The following graphic shows this scenario.

In this thesis, a new topological calculatuin formulas, which is about of linear electrical net works containmg singal controled source, is given by means of the net work corresponding to linear graphic trees.

Return to the graphic view of the data flow design.

Even if it meant nothing for sea levels, though, a melting Arctic (see video-graphic) still means a lot for the ecology of the region.

Visual interface design is a frequently misunderstood discipline, largely because of its similarities to visual art and graphic design.

Tags:graphic 造句
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