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The peloton crosses the Erasmus Bridge in Rotterdam during the first stage July 4.

When Tyndale went to Cambridge in 1517, the university was already bubbling with the new learning which had recently been introduced by the Dutch scholar Erasmus.

Sir Thomas More, friend and supporter of Erasmus, led a dangerous but incorruptible political life which would earn him the death penalty from the same King who once knighted him, Henry VIII.

Weeds always flourish.-- Desiderius Erasmus

He was severely castigated for this, but Erasmus defended him.

The Dutch humanist Erasmus taught at the university; Mercator, the Flemish cartographer who projected the globe, learnt maths there.

Under the Erasmus programme many students travelled to other European countries for between a term and a year—but they often found their universities reluctant to give them credit for it.

Was Erasmus Duplicitous:A Case Study of Erasmus' Six Years in Freiburg

The EU has launched the Erasmus Mundus China strand project which recruit Chinese students and scholars to study in Europe.

"We identified 13 'DNA markers' from 11 genes that are informative to predict a person's hair colour," said Professor Kayser, chair of the Department of Forensic Molecular Biology at Erasmus.

War, Peace and Christian Community: A study of Erasmus Political Thought;

I opened it tentatively, scanning the first line which read, "Congratulations, you have been accepted to Erasmus…" - I was absolutely ecstatic and I have to say that I owe a lot of my success to EF.

None is of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew.--Desiderius Erasmus


On Erasmus Programme ot the European Union;

What else is the whole life of mortals but a sort of comedy, in which the various actors, disguised by various costumes and masks, walk on and play each one his part, until the manager waves them off the stage.——Erasmus 【伊拉斯謨(中世紀荷蘭人文主義思想家、神學家):人生如喜劇,人人皆化粧假面,扮演各自角*,直到戲畢離場。】

Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action.-D. Erasmus

The first theme of this dissertation is that the interpretations of Erasmus and Luther, regarding the three issues, constructed their own types of religious thoughts.

The Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, and the Chinese Department of Leiden University have announced a new Masters program in Chinese Economy and Business.

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