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“chess board”簡單造句,chess board造句子

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In one of my favorite shots, I focussed on a chess board with a very shallow depth of field, and lit up the subject's face so much that the highlights are all blown out.

In the thatched cottage of the wine shop, the chess-fonder host takes chess board as chopping block and the pieces in the chess board as pieces of fish scale.

chess board造句

Hou's parents noticed her interest in a chess board at a store, they promptly bought her a chess set — and then hired a chess tutor for her.

The chess board can also be used as the chess board of chess games such as international chess, the game of Go, military chess, or Chinese checker and the like.

Now, that's interesting... there are also 64 squares on a chess board... quite a coincidence.

Both players can see everything about the position on the chess board, and they know each other's moves, for the moves are not played at the same time but rather in order.

One of the features of the Chinese-chess robot system is the introduction of a self-designed electronic chess board system by which the task of scanning and recording chess game can be done.

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