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7、The virtual environment covers virtual hospital, virtual library, virtual medicine conferences, virtual life, lab on-line and usenet.

11、Welcome to the virtual hotel.

15、You mean virtual machines, right?

19、Workload Deployer initiates a virtual application deployment.

23、The virtual machine could not be started because there are too many virtual machines open.

27、Extend or upgrade an existing virtual server from the Virtual Server List page

31、Creating these virtual instances will take less time.

3、Available virtual address space.

8、Intelligence virtual control realization in designing of virtual instrument

13、Configure the virtual server network.

18、The virtual marketplace is far from complete.

24、Optimization of the locations of the virtual sensors in the virtual sound barrier system

29、There is self-contradiction between logic and realistic in the nominal word virtual enterprise while the verbal word virtual enterprise, the virtual management of the enterprise,turns energetic.


2、Adopt a virtual pet.

9、Configure virtual server settings from the Virtual Server List page

16、Virtual collections are logical groupings of virtual images or virtual machines that represent application topologies.

22、Most processors using virtual memory use TLB.

30、In this article, the author dwells on the concepts and characteristics of virtual capital and virtual economy, the development stages and essence of virtual economy.

5、virtual private network

14、virtual origin of impulse current

25、Abstract: The virtual assembly is the key technology of virtual manufacture.

1、a virtual dependence on charity; a virtual revolution; virtual reality.

12、Let's look at virtual memory.

26、Understanding the cost of your virtual environment is critical to building a successful virtual deployment.

6、Take a virtual vacation.

21、The Solution: a virtual personal assistant.

10、Each composite virtual appliance can contain multiple virtual images.

32、Bill Monroe represents the virtual base of bluegrass.

28、A virtual collection could consist of a virtual image for a Web server and another virtual image for a database server when both are used together.

4、switched virtual circuit

20、Distributed virtual geographic environment based on MAS

17、As Figure 6 shows, this virtual image might contain virtual hardware and a virtual operating system.

Tags:造句 virtual
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