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In Mountain View, California, there’s a new pizza shop — Zume Pizza. It has robots and algorithms(计算程序) running the shop. Their job is to solve a familiar problem: it’s football night and you order a ham and mushroom pizza for you and your friends. It arrives later than you’d hoped and it’s cold.

Zume co-founder Julia Collins says, “Pizza is not meant to sit in a cardboard box. The best pizza comes right out of the oven.”

In reality, people tend to order pizzas instead of eating them in a restaurant. Most pizzas are delivered in a cardboard box and are not hot when they arrive, so they don’t taste that good. Zume’s solution is a delivery truck which is equipped with 56 mini-ovens.

Here’s how it works. A customer places an order on the app. Inside the Zume factory, a team of mostly robots puts the 14-inch pizza into its own oven. Whether the truck has five pizzas or 56, it needs just one human worker — to drive and deliver them to your doorstep.

“She doesn’t have to think about when to turn the ovens on or off,” Collins says. “She doesn’t have to think about what route to take or whom to go to first. All of that is controlled by our algorithm.” Four minutes before the truck is scheduled to arrive at a doorstep, the algorithm starts the oven(or ovens) to finish cooking that order. Each pizza is then put into a special pizza box, which is not made of cardboard. The driver then parks, cuts the pizza with a special knife and delivers it hot.

When you call a pizza store and are told “It’ll take an hour,” you hang up and it doesn’t get your business. Because Zume is run mostly by robots, it doesn’t have that problem. This week, Zume is beginning to use trucks to deliver to real customers in Mountain View.

12. Which pizza tastes best, according to the text?

A. One that is made by a factory.

B. One that is right out of the oven.

C. One that is delivered to your home.

D. One that is packed in a cardboard box.

13. How does a customer order a pizza from Zume?

A. By making a call.    B. By using an app.

C. By contacting some robots.    D. By stopping a delivery truck.

14. What does the underlined word, “it”, in the last paragraph refer to?

A. Zume Pizza.    B. The truck.

C. The robot.    D. The pizza factory.

15. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A. The Most Popular Pizza Shop    B. An Advanced Delivery System

C. How to Make Pizza More Delicious    D. Robots Guarantee Better Pizza





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