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栏目: 造句 / 发布于: / 人气:6.9K

7、There was a final plunk from the piano, and silence.

11、I'm not ready to plunk my money into any of these.

15、One reason is that it's simply hard to find investors willing to plunk down money on your company, unless they are family or friends.

1、I'll plunk for noodles rather than buns.

5、The dart landed plunk in the center of the target.

10、No plink or plunk was quite the same as any other.

16、Physically demanding, the weird regime also hones the mental toughness archers need to consistently plunk arrows into a bull's eye 70 m away.

3、Young girls who come in, they just go plunk, plunk, so slow.

9、Glad I bought it and I'd plunk down my hard earned money again.

17、The rhythm accelerates; plink follows plunk faster and faster until the sound is a roll of drums and the individual drops become an army marching over fields and rooftops.

6、plunk a book (down) on to the desk

14、CH-Auto will have to persuade wealthy customers to plunk down a large sum on an unfamiliar brand — Qiantu — over Mr. Musk's recognizable models.

8、So I've got, I just take fresh cells and plunk them into pure water solution.


2、plunk oneself (down) in a chair

18、In fact, if you were to plunk down this control on a page in your existing site, it wouldn't operate because the Membership service refuses to disclose cleartext passwords by default.

4、Do not plunk the flower in the garden, please.

13、Gently knock on the watermelon and listen for a hollow sound that makes a "plunk" rather than a "thwack" sound.

12、You better believe that there is glue and it goes "plunk" and they feel those forces, both of them.

Tags:plunk 造句
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