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栏目: 造句 / 发布于: / 人气:2.67W

7、He is a noble-minded patriot.

11、"He is proud, but he's also a patriot," Obama said.

15、Online, this soft-spoken art instructor becomes a hard-line patriot.

19、'It is always as the good patriot says,' observed the functionary.

23、The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country.

27、Ever the patriot, William-Alexander proposed to his now-wife Maxima with a ring made from an orange stone, the country's national colour.

31、"Citizen Doctor, " said the first, with his former reluctance, "askno more. If the Republic demands sacrifices from you, without doubtyou as a good patriot will be happy to make them.

35、但是,来自英国的语言学家近日得出结论,英式英语在逐渐“打败”美式英语登上“正宗英语”的宝座,因为越来越多的学习英语的人正在“抗拒”用美式英语来发音,比如日常用语的简单词汇“schedule”“patriot ”“advertisement”等,英语爱好者都爱用已经被冷落多年的英式发音。

4、Of or relating to a chauvinistic patriot.

9、And it makes us all part of the patriot game.

14、True patriot love human, patriotic is not exclusive.

20、That, this patriot would be produced before them. That, his position and attitude were, on the whole, sublime.

25、These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country (Thomas Paine).

30、In the face of Japan's challenges, Chiang Kai-shek is not a nationalist or patriot. In his military strategy, the first enemy is always the Communist Party, followed by the Japanese.

1、Her father is a patriot.

6、Strictly speaking, he is not a patriot.

13、The Boxer is a patriot; he is the only patriot China has, and I wish him success.

21、Yang Xin4u, a famous patriot and democrat, was an outstanding activist and organizer in promoting science development in China.

28、Irish patriot who fought for the rights of Irish Catholics and was executed for his part in a bungled uprising against the British.

34、a Swiss patriot who lived in the early 14th century and who was renowned for his skill as an archer; according to legend an Austrian governor compelled him to shoot an apple from his son's head with his crossbow (which he did successfully without mishap).

8、Thomas is a hundred per cent patriot.

17、After the revelation of the Kuomintang's conspiracy, they were deeply attached to the patriot.

26、'It is as the good patriot says,' observed the timid functionary. 'You are an aristocrat, and must have an escort-and must pay for it.'


2、He avowed himself a patriot.

12、A patriot recognizes his duty to defend his country.

24、It has been said of old, that in a despotism there is at most but one patriot, the despot himself.

3、She is an ardent patriot.

18、As a true patriot, I would gladly die in battle defending my homeland.

33、昨晚,我和几位侨民(ex - patriot疑为expatriate笔误,译者注)企业家一起吃晚餐,他们说,如今要离开上海是件不容易的事,这城市的速度已经开始让人上瘾。

22、Yu Qian is an orthodox,famous military strategist in the period of Jingtai in the Ming Dynasty,politician and patriot.

10、He felt the patriot rise within his breast.

5、He regards himself as a patriot.

16、Second, no one is born a patriot. That has to be taught.

32、General Zhang Xueliang speaking against Japanese annex Manchuria, and Japanese invasion, He is a true patriot who did not fought for the party benefit but he fought for the people of China.

29、showing them how the patriot, Barsad, was a hired spy and traitor, an unblushing trafficker in blood, and one of the greatest scoundrels upon earth since accursed Judas--which he certainly did look rather like.

Tags:造句 patriot
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