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栏目: 造句 / 发布于: / 人气:1.85W

Eight children were pulled from a collapsed school in the town by elated rescue-workers.

Her foster care experience helped hone a high degree of self-reliance, but she's elated to be adopted.

Al Gores highly successful initiative confounded our adversaries, elated our Allies, and escaped the notice of most of the public because it was neither sensational nor controversial.

After the year in New Orleans, Mother came home to Hope eager to put her anesthesia training into practice, elated at being reunited with me, and back to her old fun-loving self.


He was elated at the news.

France's left is beyond elated by the impending collapse of the DSK trial.

I was strangely elated by the idea that Oscar's presence at my patient's deathbed might have a deeper meaning.

It fell apart then, exploding in sparks, but she remembered how elated she felt to touch the scorch-mark and smell the hot, tarry smell of the destroyed wood.

Which is to say, he looked elated.

A few days after the announcement, an elated Mikael Ohlsson, IKEA's boss, rushed to India.

When, on Saturday, it turned out that there was room for him on one of the Black Hawk helicopters making the trip, he was elated.

But many in Silicon Valley said they were elated by his return to work, which appears to signal that the worst of his health problems have abated, at least for now.

Milica Delevic, who is in charge of the Serbian government's EU integration office is elated but realistic about the future.

This time the polls are close; party positions are far less distinct than party rhetoric; many voters are undecided; and a big chunk of them are more apprehensive about the future than elated by it.

I felt elated and slightly dizzy like the kid who is' it 'in a schoolyard game.

Oil firms, with only 2% of the permits, feel hard done by. But most polluters, having just been promised hundreds of billions of dollars' worth of permits for nothing, are elated.

Swiss headlights bouncing in our mirror, we drove on, smugly elated at having taught a lesson in bush survival to ill-attuned Europeans.

Some workers were as elated as students on Tuesday when they learned they would get the day off.

Osama was elated to find that Muhannad had not suffered. “The big question has been answered, and I am very satisfied, ” he said, smiling.

The crowds in the square were elated by the news.

That night I was battered and bloodied but elated.

Tags:造句 elated
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