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Children with wealthy parents are more likely to be “extroverts”. which could affect their earnings later in life, according to a new study.

The research suggests that our personality is strongly linked to our social background. People from more advanced homes, whose parents worked in professional jobs, were more likely to be talkative and enthusiastic. They were also more likely to show high levels of openness, including imagination and intellectual curiosity.

However, children from lower income backgrounds are more likely to experience stress and instability at home.

The findings were based on an analysis of data on 150,000 UK residents gathered through the BBC’s Big Personality Test. Results also show that adults who are more extroverted are more likely to earn higher salaries.

The study proposes that schools should work to improve poorer youngsters’ knowledge of professional careers, that schools should use good feedback to improve pupils’ social skills and that schools and colleges should give youngsters training in employability skills and interview techniques.

It also suggests that programmes aimed at improving results for poorer children should focus on wider skills as well as academic achievement.

Education secretary Nicky Morgan has previously suggested that learning trails(特质) such as

perseverance and confidence are equally important to teenagers as gaining good exam results.

In a speech earlier this week, Prime Minister David Cameron said that children “thrive on high expectations,” and praised new schools that will teach “character virtues like curiosity, honesty, perseverance and service”.

29. Which of the following can best explain the underlined word in the first paragraph?

A. An outgoing person.                                      B. A shy person.

C. A greedy person.                                                 D. A negative person.

30. Who were more likely to be talkative and enthusiastic?

A. Children from lower income backgrounds.           B. Children from more advantaged homes.

C. Children from the big cities.                                 D. Children from the small villages.

31. Which one dose not belong to the proposals of this article?

A. School should work to improve poorer youngsters’ knowledge of professional

B. Schools should give youngsters training in employability skills and interview techniques.

C. Programmes aimed at improving results for poorer children should only focus on wider skills.

D. Learning trails are “equally important” to teenagers as gaining good exam results.

32. Which of the following is not included in the character virtues according to the text?

A. Curiosity, honesty.                                                B. Curiosity, service.

C. Honesty, anxiety.                                           D. Honesty, perseverance.





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