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Does a Tea Break Make You More Efficient?

China has been drinking tea since the time of Shennong, 5,000 years ago. Britain’s relationship with tea is much shorter, but tea enjoys pride of place as the UK’s national drink. According to the UK Tea Council, British people drink an average of three cups a day or a national total of 165 million cups every day.

With figures like these, it is no surprise that time spent taking tea affects the working day in Britain. A recent survey found that 24 minutes a day are lost to making, buying and drinking tea and coffee. That is, £400 a year is lost in working hours per employee, or 190 days over a lifetime. So, should employers be worried about this lost working time, or does the tea break make up in other ways?

One argument is that caffeine improves mental state: a drink of tea or coffee can make you active and focus on work.

Professor Rogers of the University of Bristol disagrees. After years of studying caffeine he sees nothing can prove that. “Workers would perform equally well if not drinking it at all,” he says. “But if they’re often drinking it and then go without, they’ll feel tired and won’t work well.”

Psychologist Cooper instead emphasizes the role tea breaks play in office life, and in building social relationships. “We need to make people more active and see other people. The tea break is one way of doing this,” says Cooper.

And Professor Rogers also points out the comfort effect of a hot drink: “We warm our hands on them on a cold day; they’re comforting and play a big role in our everyday life. Whatever the caffeine’s doing, I’d say these 24 minutes aren’t wasted.”

21. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Tea Breaks cannot make people more active at work.

B. British people drink more tea than people in other countries.

C. Tea break plays an important role in people’s life in Britain.

D. A lot of time has been wasted drinking tea in the working day.

22. We learn from a recent survey that in Britain _______.

A. £400 is lost in working hours for each person

B. tea breaks take up 24 minutes in a working day

C. people spends 190 days drinking tea and coffee each year

D. people drink 165 million cups in working hours every day

23. What’s Psychologist Coopers’ attitude towards tea break?

A. Doubtful.       B. Uncertain.      C. Negative.      D. Positive.


【*与解析】  喝茶已经成为英国人的习惯、,且不论喝茶休息是否真的可以提高工作效率,一旦人们戒除了这个习惯,他们的工作将会受到影响。






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