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36 We’ve worked to make their streets and their schools safer, to give them something positive to do after school and before their parents get home. We’ve worked to teach our children that drugs are dangerous, illegal and wrong.     Today, I want to talk to you about the historic opportunity we now have to protect our nation’s children from an even more deadly threat.  37  Smoking kills more people every day than AIDS, alcohol, car accidents, murders, drugs and fires combined. Nearly 90% of those smokers lit their first cigarette before they turned 18. Consider this: 3,000 children start to smoke every day illegally, and 1,000 of them will die sooner because of it.   38  For more than five years we’ve worked to stop our children from smoking before they begin to try, starting a nationwide campaign to educate them about the dangers of smoking to reduce their access to tobacco products, and to restrict tobacco companies from advertising to young people.   39  That means if we act now, we have it in our power to stop three million children from smoking and save a million lives as a result. So this is an emergency that needs quick action of all of you. 40  .     A.This is a national tragedy(悲剧)that every American should help to prevent.     B.We have to educate them about the dangers of smoking.     C.It is smoking.      

D.The quicker action we take, the fewer teen smokers there will be.      

E.Compared with other diseases, drugs kill more people every day.

F.If we do these, we’ll cut teen smoking by almost half over the next five years.      

G.Since I took office, I’ve done much to protect our children from harm.





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