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In the face of the tensions and pressures we all face every single day, a sense of humor can be helpful. The ability to laugh is very important to our fullest development and to our “mental health”. And if we can laugh at ourselves, we’re even further along the road to self-fulfillment. Consider the following example.

Gordon is hoping to become a professional singer. He has a good voice, and has performed in public many times. But he’s very sensitive about his abilities. For instance, if his voice coach suggests he practice a particular song a few more times until he gets it right, Gordon falls apart, absolutely certain that the coach is implying that he isn’t any good and he has no future in music.

He mentioned his sensitivity in his paper for a psychology class. The psychology professor called him in, outwardly to talk about the paper, but hoping to give the boy a chance to open up about the problem. The teacher rarely told her students what they ought to do, but she felt  Gordon should know that such extreme sensitivity would make it difficult for him in the entertainment field, where stage personnel, and fellow performers often are very hard on new talent. She asked Gordon if he felt he had made necessary preparations to follow through in such a competitive and difficult business.

Gordon got angry with the teacher, pointing a brave finger at her, and told her she was “dead wrong” about him. Further, Gordon asked what she could possibly know about music and the pressures of the profession. The teacher stood up and turned Gordon around, right in the middle of a sentence, asking him to continue, but to watch himself in the mirror on the back of the office door as he talked. Gordon tried to go on, pointing and gesticulating, but suddenly he saw his expression in the mirror, then when he turned to face the psychologist, he noticed a smile beginning to form on the teacher’s face. At the very top of his “outburst,” Gordon burst out laughing. He stopped his aggressive talk and asked the teacher if he looked that ridiculous all the time.

Seeing himself “objectively” made Gordon realize that how ridiculous it was to take himself so seriously. In our everyday life, the ability to catch ourselves being so serious, bearing all the burdens of the world, and trying to save the human race helps us relieve some built-up tension through laughter.

Laughter is a necessary part of mental health. Laughter is one of the ways in which we relax and recreate the selfhood. The things we find in humor may vary, but the experiences of humor, pleasure, and enjoyment are extremely important and must be fostered.

43. From the first two paragraphs, we can learn that Gordon ________.

A. has broken up with his coach

B. has failed to be a professional singer

C. keeps practicing and hopes for the best

D. feels very sensitive to other people’s comments

44. Why did the psychologist talk with Gordon?

A. To discuss his paper with him.

B. To help him realize his problem.

C. To point out his rude behaviors.

D. To offer advice on reducing pressure.

45. How does the author support his ideas?

A. By offering analyses.

B. By providing research results.

C. By giving an example.

D. By stating an argument.

46. What is mainly discussed in the passage?

A. Means of laughter.        B. Benefits of humor.

C. The cause of sensitivity.    D. The importance of health.





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