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These memos are circulated within the 3, 000-strong collaboration to gauge their merit.

Are non-cash credits, bad debt write? offs, credit memos and allowances approved independently of processing, recording and collecting the charge?

Fawn Hall leaves Washington court yesterday after swearing that she shredded originals of Oliver North's key Iran/Contra memos on her own hook after making some changes in them at Ollie's request just before he was sacked in1986.

Notice, for example, the kind of information they need (papers on desks or adhesive notes on screen borders), inadequate systems (cheat sheets and user manuals), the frequency and priority of tasks (inbox and outbox); and the kind of workflows they follow (memos, charts, calendars).

This doesn't mean you should forego important memos or leave people out of the loop.

Who sends out the memos telling people what to worry about, and why don't I get them?

People in business communicate in various ways: face-to-face talks, informal group discussions, seminars, conversations on the phone, writing in letters, memos, and reports.

Reads all memos concerning Bell Service.

Most popular services are also missing features like voice memos and read receipts.

An ambassador's daily work consists largely of meeting with foreign diplomats, negotiating, writing reports and memos, and engaging in some management of diplomatic projects.


I type routine memos, invoices, and shipping documents.

To be qualified for secretarial positions and lower-level management and be able to write memos, applications, statements and summaries, and general descriptive, narrative and illustrative articles.

I released the memos because the existence of that approach to interrogation was already widely known, the Bush Administration had acknowledged its existence, and I had already banned those methods.

People in busine communicate in various ways: face-to-face talks, informal group discu io , seminars, conversatio on the phone, writing in letters, memos, and reports.

He also USES "decision" memos with three check boxes: agree, disagree and discuss.

Assignments will include policy memos and a journal of notes on the assigned readings.

Most bosses don't want to read long memos-they want the key highlights, ideally in bullet points.

Those memos show that, thanks to Gregg, Bush had plenty of opportunity to get his fill of details about the sale of arms to the Iranians and the diversion of money to the Nicaraguan contras.

Sensitive details were blacked out in the memos seen by most of the media on Thursday but over the weekend Marcy Wheeler, of the Emptywheel blog, found a copy in which crucial details were not masked.

Tags:memos 造句
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