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“traffic congestion”简单造句,traffic congestion造句子

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City business hours have to be staggered to relieve traffic congestion.

Do you agree the traffic congestion problem has improved after the "Motor Vehicle First Registration Tax" implementation?

Blind expansion of giant cities has brought higher housing rates, traffic congestion and environmental pollution, and "Urban Illness" is not unique occurrence in some cities in China.

As more of the world's population moves into big cities, the answer to traffic congestion won't be building more roads, Mr. Ford says, because there won't be any space.

traffic congestion造句

In summer, traffic congestion is especially serious in cities.

As a result, buses still suffer significant delays due to traffic congestion in major inter-district traffic corridors.

It should be obvious that detailed traffic planning is needed, as these solutions may in many respects add to the traffic congestion.

The increase in the number of cars brings about a lot of problems, such as air pollution, noise, traffic congestion and gas shortage.

Mass transit reduces traffic congestion and the pollution it generates.

More cars would not only bring traffic congestion, but also noise and parking problems.

Beijing yesterday announced a drill to test the effectiveness of the Olympic host city's efforts to improve air quality and ease traffic congestion.

Route 9 (section between Cheung Sha Wan and Sha Tin) will be a new 5.6-kilometre highway running from Sha Tin to West Kowloon. It will significantly alleviate traffic congestion at the Lion Rock Tunnel, Tate's Cairn Tunnel and Tai Po Road.

A radio access device will automatically notify traffic congestion and give a round trip suggestion.

Because of traffic congestion, coal can only be dug out by hand, can only rely on human shoulder to carry to dozens of miles away, or Jialing River to sell.

To solve the severe traffic congestion problems in large metropolitan area, it is necessary to develop traffic congestion management strategies that tailor to the characteristics of urban development.

This year's ranking also identifies the cities with the best eco-ranking based on water availability and drinkability, waste removal, quality of sewage systems, air pollution and traffic congestion.

Mercer also awarded cities eco rankings based on water availability and drinkability, waste removal, quality of sewage systems, air pollution and traffic congestion.

In a modern city, it is not easy to avoid the traffic congestion, maybe a good subway system, is the only effective method to reduce traffic congestion, but the cost construction of very high.

Studies of traffic congestion in New York and Los Angeles have found that cruising for parking is, in fact, a major source of gridlock.

As a result, buses still suffer considerable delays due to traffic congestion in major traffic corridors.

The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion.

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