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“crystal palace”简单造句,crystal palace造句子

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Ten Zhangs of coral reflect the sun red, pearls hold the crystal palace, the Dragon King stays in my palace for dinner, the golden boy and the jade girl are not unusual.

The Grand Theater is just like a crystal palace when the lights set off a harmonious entity of the white arc-shaped roof and the photosensitive glass curtain walls.

The crystal palace was built in Hyde park for the great exhibition of 1851.

Give an account of the history of the crystal palace in not more than 85 words. Write two different paragraphs using the points and connections given below.

Later, the crystal palace was moved to south London.

The athletics meeting at crystal palace promises to be a major event in this year's sporting calendar.

crystal palace造句

The Pearl River in the night is reflected with colorful lights, like a brilliant crystal palace!

Thus, the rivers sparkle with a magical color, making people feel that this is the magnificent crystal palace, buried with colorful exotic treasures.

Therefore, people tell stories about divine mountains and islets on the sea and the crystal palace, the dragon king and his sons and daughters under the sea.

Everything in front of us is so magical that it seems as if we have entered the crystal palace, which is clean and flawless. The walls, doors and windows, counters and shelves are made of glass, and even the tables and chairs are made of glass.

It also involves the ever-more powerful, and stroppy, European Parliament, in its own gigantic crystal palace down the road.

The crystal palace was different from all other buildings in the world , for it was made of iron and glass.

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