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“pray for”简单造句,pray for造句子

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I earnestly pray for your pardon.

I often pray for them. Mostly I pray that their lives will be easy.

Proteus: upon some book I love I'll pray for thee.

I'll pray for rain for you, but you have to help first.

God calls us to humble ourselves and pray for the work of his Spirit.

Young women will still pray for blessings on the night of Qixi, hoping for wisdom and a long-lasting marriage.

In lots of cases you have no choice but to believe and then pray for not being let down.

There is but one answer. Pray until the thing you pray for has actually been granted, or until you have the assurance in your heart that it will be.

Apart from the graves this pious people, the Baltic will buy back a few chickens home to pray for health, good luck, good fortune for profit.

Since Chuxi in Chinese means removing the old, most of the activities during New Year's Eve centers on removing the old and evil and pray for the best.

Fight devils, jump over volcanoes, snakes and clouds, pray for souls and walk over the sea of angry spirits on your way.

Tiger in the hopes of the town house, keeping the tomb, evil provision of disaster, the more that it ignited a yearning for good luck and happy pray for-you concept.

Please pray for our Sister Kong Wei. May the Lord be with her and give her a safe and peaceful trip back to China. May the Lord through her bless her relatives and friends there.

It matters not the continent on which we are or the time our watches read, but only that on this hour and all after it, our hearts beat in your memory and pray for your good fortune.

Locals pray for rain here?

Hope that we pray for them!

Pray with blessing for your happiness and goodness, Teacher I pray for you forever more.

Then, I also "silly" to pray for a small handkerchief.

You, too, pray for an opportunity for your husband to succeed-- for a ship to sink, for a flood.

And I should pray for the glory of a colorful sunset.

In activities, hanging lanterns during lantern Festival and burning fires to pray for grains both indicate amusing gods with light.

"I have thought of death," said she - "have wished for it - would even have prayed for it, were it fit that such as I should pray for anything."

New Year to pray for you must have and can Leong Treasury, reviving the financial resources. And can cause Yun Oh.

And he shall offer one for sin, and the other for a holocaust, and he shall pray for her before the Lord, and for the issue of her uncleanness.

Friends always keep wind and rain for you. If you bear wind and snow in the distance, and I can do nothing, I will pray for those snowstorms to come down on me.

However, if we pray for a certain period of time, with a spirit filled with the King and the kingdom, we shall begin to mourn over the negative situation of today.

pray for造句

I pray for desperate destruction.

When should we pray for our enemies?

Tell us that you will pray for us.

I deserted today is the person who failed yesterday to pray for tomorrow.

Pray for those who do not yet know the Lord as their Saviour. Make a list of the names of those whom God has laid upon your heart, and pray for their conversion.

Our Father which art in heaven, we humbly pray Thee to arouse believers to a sense of their calling to pray for the ministers of the Gospel in the spirit of faith.

In the fifth, place on a candle on clear fruit, cookies, candy, etc, pour on green tea, meet god meet god blessed, pray for auspicious.

As Tzu Chi volunteers lead a mass prayer, everyone puts their palms together to pray for safety and wellbeing not only for themselves, but also for the unknown number of victims out there.

At the end of every Chen kai-ge, temple always numerous pilgrims, cigarette curled up, people have to be here to pray for good luck in the New Year.

What should you pray for?

They pray for you today, and prey on you tomorrow.

Please pray for this event, and pray especially for our youth and children. May God lead them in the path and direction of their lives.

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Locals pray for rain. Rainfall has been sharply down in many areas of the Middle East

Let us pray for faith and trust in God for all the parents whose children will be taking entrance exams next year.

The Spring Festival is also a time for people to pray for happiness and auspiciousness. For example, as a homophone, niangao means higher and higher, one year after another.

Facing you, I am always so deliberate. You are my dream of Ting Ting, when I came to the same heart, warm over the years of peace and tonal, remember that year old dream like flowers. And do not ask time, do not remember separated, pray for an Enron, Xu Tianya Ann Kang.

So let us pray for Tom.

Please continue to pray for Sudan for peace to hold and for more missionaries.

Share "I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those You have given Me, for they are Yours" (John 17:9 NIV).

The Bible tells us to pray for opportunities to witness, "for courage to speak up, for those who will believe, for the rapid spread of the message, and for more workers."

And as we mark this occasion, we are also mindful of the empty chair in this Chamber, and pray for the health of our colleague -and our friend -gabby Giffords.

I pray fervently for everyone I've failed to pray for in weeks.

I do not pray for a servant to bring me food, for a house, for treasure, for love, for health, for triumph, for fame, for success, for happiness.

Under the village of Mitsui has three Longjing, is the county and neighboring counties for thousands of years local people pray for the rain of the Holy Land.

A bright moon wavering on the top of the tree, counting the sadness and joy of the earth. A few whistles disturb the silence of the night sky, and the meteors flash across the sky in a flash of vanish. There is not enough time to pray for a fleeting loss.

There is no solace above or l,solitary,striving,battling one another.I pray to myself.I pray for myself.

We pray for unselfishness, and God gives us opportunities to sacrifice ourselves by thinking on the things of others, and by laying down our lives for the brethren.

我渴望着黑暗 I long for the darkness. 我祈祷死亡 真正的死亡 I pray for death, real death. 但如果在死亡后我会遇到生时所认识的人 And if I thought that in death I would meet the people I knew in life, 我就不知道该怎么办了 那将是终极的恐惧 I don't know what I would do. That would be the ultimate horror, 终极的梦魇

"Danfo" means to offer something to a temple as a way to pray for peace and happiness.

Some would also go from house to house, begging for "soul cakes", square pieces of bread with currants. In return they promised to pray for dead members of the donors' families.

Please continue to pray for the "tight" situation in China and especially Xinjiang province at this time.

I told him I would pray for his son.

Here I pray for them for health.

Before my birthday every year, I would pray for snow but it never came.

Thanks for Lord, in our church, when we ask priests to pray for us, they always willing to do and care to us effectively, give us helps in time.

During this season, let us pray for the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of those who are open to the gospel .

Tags:造句 pray
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