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欄目: 練習題 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.22W



Give the spelling of the following according to the meaning .

1. f__________ : an official document with spaces where you write information , especially about yourself .

2. c__________ : to cut something into small pieces .

3. r__________ : to say firmly that you will not do something that someone has asked you to do .

4. i__________ : ask sb. in a friendly way to go somewhere or do something .

5. o__________ : show or express the willingness or intention to do , give , etc .

6. a__________ : take willingly or say yes to (an offer , invitation , etc )

7. r__________ : a set of instructions for cooking a particular type of food .

8. p__________ : your reason for doing something .

9. p__________ : to remove the skin from fruit or vegetables .

10. c__________ : pair of thin sticks made of wood , ivory , etc , used in China , Japan , etc , for lifting food to the mouth .


1. form  2. chop  3. refuse  4. invite  5. offer 

6. accept 7. recipe 8. purpose 9. peel 10. chopstick



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