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Marriage is still a popular institution in the United States, but divorce(離婚) is becoming_1_as“popular” American people get married, _2_,at the present time, and fifty percent of American marriages end _3_ divorce. However, four out of five divorced people do not _4_ single. They get married a second time to _5_ partners. Sociologists(社會學家)tell us that in the next century, _6_American people will marry three _7_ four times in one lifetime. Alvin Toffler, an American sociologist, _8_this new social form serial(連續的)marriages. In his book Future Shock, Toffler gives many _9_ for this change in American marriage. In modern society, _10_ lives don't stay the same for very icans_11_ change their jobs, their homes, and their circles of _12_. So, the person who was a _13_ husband or wife ten years ago is sometimes not as good ten years _14_. After some years of marriage, a husband and wife can _15 _that their lives have become very different, and they don't 16 the same interests anymore. For this reason, Toffler says, people in the twenty-first century will not _17_ to marry only one person for an _18_ lifetime. They will plan to stay married to one person for perhaps five or ten years, and then marry _19_ Americans will expect to have a “marriage carrier”that _20_ three or four marriages.

1     A. already      B. almost      C. ever        D. even

2     A. anyway      B. then        C. but         D. therefore

3     A. with         B. from       C. in          D. for

4     A. live         B. take        C. make       D. stay

5     A          B. old         C. young      D. pretty

6     A. most        B. main        C. few        D. mostly

7     A. and         B. by          C. or          D. to

8     A. asks         B. calls        C. tells        D. lets

9     A. causes       B. chances      C. problems    D. reasons

10    A. human's      B. people's      C. person's    D. man's

11    A. frequently    B. quickly      C. rapidly      D. fast

12    A. parents       B. classmates   C. neighbors   D. friends

13    A. polite        B. strict        C. good       D. unfriendly

14    A. late          B. latter        C. lately       D. later

15    A. imagine      B. feel         C. believe      D. suppose

16    A. enjoy        B. hold         C. divide      D. share24

17    A. desire        B. plan         C. wish       D. designR

18    A. entire        B. extreme      C. total        D. wholeb

19    A. the other     B. others        C. other        D. anotherc

20    A. appears      B. happens      C. includes      D. carries1


1-5 BAACD    6-10 ADBBA   11-15 ACDBA   16-20 DBAAD

知識點:人物傳記 故事閱讀類


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