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A.Blue jeans are made of a kind of very strong cloth le stared calling these pants “jeans” in the was the most popular color but today jeans come in all colors.

B. What kind of clothes is the most popular in the US or in the world? “Jeans”!In the US,who not wear jcans ?They look nice were first made in America over 100 years ago!

C. Strauss had lots of money. So Davis asked Strauss for help. Strauss said OK! They started to work on the jeans in yone wanted them.

D.Jeans are a big part of US culture today. American people like to wear last for a long time and anyone can wear them,young or old,rich or one say jeans show the values of America,equality(平等),strength(力量) and long life.

E. A German called Levi Strauss and an American called Jacob Davis made the first blue jeans in the US. Davis was a clothes wanted to make pants that did not break had a good idea, but it was expensive.



1B 2E 3C 4A 5D



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