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                                              Do as the Romans Do

    The customs in different countries are rather different. If I have dinner with a Chinese host, he always puts more food onto my plates as soon as I have emptied it. That often discomforts me greatly. I have to eat the food even if I don’t want to, because it is considered bad manners in the West to leave one’s food on the plate. I have already noticed that when a Chinese sits at an American’s dinner party, he very often refuses the offer of food or drink though he is in fact still hungry or thirsty. This might be good manners in China, but it is not in the West at all. In the United States, it is impolite to keep asking someone again and again or insist on his accepting something. Americans have a direct way of speaking. If they want something, they will ask for it. If not, they will say, “No, thanks.” When an American is fed with beer by the host, for example, he might say, “No, thanks. I’ll take some diet, Pepsy-Cola(百事可樂)if you have it. ”That is what an American will do. So when you go to the United States, you had better remember the famous saying: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

  1. From the passage, we can know that the Chinese are usually ________ to the guests.

    A. very hot         B. rude

    C. impolite         D. cold]

  2. When a foreigner has dinner with a Chinese host, he often feels _______.

    A. pleasant         B. uncomfortable

    C. satisfied            D. happy

  3. Why does a Chinese often refuse the offer of food or drink at a dinner party?

    A. He has had enough.

    B. He is shy.

    C. He is afraid that others will laugh at him.

    D. He thinks it’s polite to do that.

  4. When an American wants something to eat or drink at a dinner, he will _______.

    A. ask for it boldly

    B. refuse the offer

    C. ask for it directly

    D. express himself indirectly

  5. “When in Rome, do as the Romans do “means “________”.

    A. When you got to Rome, you should act as the Romans do

    B. When you stay in Rome, you should do as the Romans do

    C. When you are in a new country, you should do as the locals do

    D. Romans can be an example for you


1. A        2. B        3. D        4. C        5. C



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命題“存在R,0”的否定是                                          ... 下列各組結構中,都含有DNA的是                                       ... 下列有機物屬於烴的是A.C2H6                                       ... 下列說法正確的是A.SiO2溶於水顯**                                  B... 下列*作不能用於檢驗NH3的是                                       A...  下列物質中可用來乾燥NH3的是                                       ... 人體缺乏維生素D,容易患                                           ... .已知角終邊經過點且(   )A            B         C             D  ... 下列物質中可用來乾燥NH3的是                                        ... 二元一次方程組的解爲(   )A        B        C        D            ... 保持*氣化學*質的粒子是                             A.H           ... DNA上控制生物*狀的基本單位是                                       ... 保持*氣化學*質的粒子是                             A.H2          ... 根據下列裝置圖回答問題:    A           B             C        D   ... 下列緯線最長的是      (    )                       A.10°S      ...
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