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Motor cars were first made in England just before 1900. The parts for the bodies and engines were hand made and the cars were built from these. One at a time. This took a long time, and the cars cost a lot of money. Then a quicker and cheaper way of making cars was found. Instead of making all the parts at their own works. Some car factories asked other factories to make some of them. All the parts were then fitted together in the car factories.

Modern car-making factories are so large that each one is really a lot of factories close together. Each workshop makes some parts. The pieces of a car body are joined together by welders(電焊工) . All the bits and pieces that make up each car are collected and put ready for the assembly line(裝配線) , where they are fitted together.

1. The first motor cars were probably made by______.

A. Europeans               B. the Whites                   C. the Blacks           D. the English

2. Over 100 year ago, people had to spend a long time on motor cars as______.

A. new ways of making them were just found then

B. the parts of the bodies and engines were made by hand.

C. all the parts of them were made at their own factories

D. both B and C

3. A quicker and cheaper way of making motor cars was______.

A. found in 1900

B. that all parts of motor cars were no longer made by hand

C. the one that they should be made in a large car factories

D. the different parts of motor cars were produced in different works

4."Modern car-making factories" means "______"

A. the factories which modern cars are making at

B. the factories where cars are made by modern workers

C. the new factories at which cars are being made

D. the factories where modern cars are made

5. The best title for this passage might be______.

A. Motor Cars                                             B. The Assembly Line.

C. Modern Factories                                       D. Quicker and Cheaper Cars





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