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It marks the beginning of a long-term plan to make JXTA peers more manageable and easier to administer.

The technique we employed was to split the overall problem domain into more manageable applications, each of which has its own PIM.

If Barak had dealt with the Syrians before or if he had given us some advance notice, it might have been manageable.

This approach is also more manageable, because it makes it possible for you to immediately analyze, fix, and verify those failed test cases in time for the next scheduled build.

To force the test situation toward manageable proportions it is universal practice to calibrate.

Give them away, one by one, until you're left with a manageable number of the volumes you really enjoy.

Advertisement events: WSDM defines an advertisement capability that defines a standard event to be sent when a new manageable resource is created.

At the same time, experience has shown that a series of short, incremental projects delivering specific business objectives is the most manageable and successful approach for developing an SOA.

In these circumstances, it is preferable to implement a more manageable approach.

Paging links provide a means to break up potentially large listings of collection member resources into smaller, more manageable subsets.

The breaking down of tasks into smaller, manageable subtasks might be done traditionally by an individual tackling a problem, but in our XP project this was performed by the whole team.

Give users discounts, and incentives to upgrade, while lowering prices to more manageable levels.

In order to bring my debt down to a manageable level, I need to have five or more years of "scoreless innings."


I only need to save up for the dowry, which is manageable.

This would mean the family would be far more up to date than they are currently and their responses and queries would be spread out (and inline), far more manageable and more current.

To help manage the presentation layer in your application, you should split it up into manageable units.

Each phase should be manageable within an hour or so of playing around.

The same virus that causes manageable disruption in affluent countries could have a devastating impact in many parts of the developing world.

The damage to profits should be manageable.

If other crises of the past half-century are any guide, America's consumers will spend the next six or seven years reducing their debt to more manageable levels, reckons the McKinsey Global Institute.

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