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For the neuraminidase inhibitors, the main constraints - which are substantial - involve limited production capacity and a price that is prohibitively high for many countries.

To go it alone and go on to develop a service for a rural population of some 700 million could be prohibitively costly. This is where tech relies on old-fashioned connections.

Meat and butter were prohibitively expensive.

Running for her is simply the world's most difficult thing, moving her plump body is simply prohibitively difficult.

The machines that make things make them in such a fashion that they will quickly fall apart in such a way that repairs will be prohibitively expensive.


Storing conversational state in the database can be prohibitively expensive.

Early film photographers shied away from capturing night scenes because these require prohibitively long exposures to maintain adequate depth of field, or produced unacceptable amounts of image noise.

While urban areas are not short on fiber optic and copper cable, these physical data pipes are sometimes prohibitively expensive and difficult to run to the more remote reaches of the nation.

But if they scratch together the money to do so, it will be impossible to afford earthquake insurance, which is already prohibitively expensive.

Adding a fourth index based on acquisition date, for example, would be prohibitively difficult for the library.

As the hotels downtown were prohibitively expensive, residence clubs were among the most attractive options for these students.

In life there are many such miracles, seemingly prohibitively difficult thing, sometimes easy it can be done, the difference is remarkable beliefs.

The units can be used to generate tiny amounts of power, and, in principle, giant dipping birds could be constructed which would generate more power-but at a prohibitively high cost per kilowatt.

The eastern leg, along the Grand canal, was supposed to be easiest to finish, but pollution in this heavily industrialised region is so great that water treatment is prohibitively expensive.

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