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(British) the honorary or titular head of a university.

The titular heroine is a successful woman with a distinguished career, but she conveys an essential sadness.

A prelate, usually a titular bishop, who has jurisdiction over a territory not in a diocese but subject directly to the Holy See.

The legendary hockey mask-wearing, machete-wielding mass murderer Jason Voorhees is back on the big screen in Paramount's retelling of the classic horror film, and on the film's titular date.

Bryan remained titular head of the party.

a titular Roman Catholic bishop in a non-Catholic area.

The titular collective enterprise does not satisfy the essential legal requirements for the set_up of a corporatian, so it does not have corporate capacity.

a titular distinction

He is titular head, and merely signs laws occasionally.

Under this class of men are comprehended all contemplative tradesmen, titular physicians, and statesmen that are out of business.


the titular head of a company

O'Connor gave up his titular possessions and conducted business in America.

Speaking of failure and success, a big part of the film's premise is predicated on the success of the titular inception.

Based on some practical examples, some translating methods of such titular attributive clauses are discussed in this paper.

titular; in name But not in reality; symbolic; merely nominal

a titular character of a novel

The honorary or titular head of a university.

The Code of Ur-Nammu: Written and between 2100 and 2050 BCE, the Code of Ur-Nammu discusses the legal philosophies of the titular Sumerian king.

That titular story, a tale of two women from devastatingly different backgrounds, treading water in the same place, is a near-perfect piece of fiction.

Tags:titular 造句
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