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He shouted a series of staccato orders.

The short lines helped me create a sort of staccato effect.

Playing staccato slowly when intonating the arp pattern will make you prepare the string as fast as possible.

The staccato in all similar passages should be used throughout the piece although, in many editions, they are indicated only at the beginning.

He could hear the sound of wind in the trees and the pounding of the surf somewhere up ahead, and beyond that the staccato chatter of gunfire and dull thudding of explosions in the distance.


Play this phrase staccato.

These steps are generally done staccato.

It flashed again and was followed by a rapid staccato of gunfire.

The piano proceeds with dry (secco), staccato triplet runs, rejoined by the orchestra after a slightly surprising nine bars.

So, why should a non-frightening incongruity cause people to make a distinctive loud noise consisted of staccato segments of one fifteenth of a second each separated by a fifth of a second?

a play of staccato scences

He spoke in Arabic, a short staccato burst.

In hard staccato, the damper is actually bounced off the damper top rail, so that it returns even more quickly.

Playing staccato slowly when intonating the arp pattern will make you prepare the string as fast as possible, making for the potential of speed, control and fluency much greater.

Essentially staccato motion is a throwing motion.

Water coursed along the wood roofs of the slave quarters, drowning their staccato voices with streaming, rushing noise.

The spitting is done generally in three musical beats, the first two being sounds of drawing in and clearing the throat in preparation for the final beat of spitting out, which is executed with a quick forcefulness: staccato after legato.

Squirrels added staccato crunch notes with their arced leaps.

Waiting, I hide behind rows of string players, ready to jump out with a staccato attack that pierces the hearts of the audience.

In normal staccato, gravity quickly returns the damper onto the strings.

(music) with a light plucking staccato sound.

staccato applause; a staccato command; staccato notes.

The effect is more a portato than a staccato.

With a swish of his hand and staccato phrase, he shooed a bevy of young locals away, clearing a table for us in the process.

Communicating through Twitter, given the shorter, more staccato nature of the medium, should be more frequent than that.

Tags:staccato 造句
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