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This year's Greek crisis exposed the inadequacies of the euro, a single currency without a joint economic or fiscal policy.

When we're far from our native culture, we're more able to recognize and reflect on our own inadequacies, and to show our strengths.

Of course, I inevitably there will be more or less in the work of the inadequacies, such as the work of predictability and creative enough, the leadership of the requirements from a certain distance;

She pointed out the inadequacies of the argument.

With the development of information technology in education, educational technology has achieved tremendous progress, but there are some inadequacies.

Could it be that as long as, moment by moment, we aspire to do our best, accepting our flaws and inadequacies along the way, it is enough?

The true secret of two people to stay together is not slowly evolving into the one that the other person likes, but to stick to the self and slowly accept the inadequacies of the other.

And when you don't get there, you blame not the success system, but your own inadequacies.

The trouble with Liverpool under benitez is that they produce results in big matches only when goaded to a frenzy by the consequences of their own earlier inadequacies.

The paper reviews the major features and inadequacies of the monograph and regards the work as a tour de force that makes good omissions and deficiencies and brings forth new ideas.

One of the best ways to correct such inadequacies is to conscientiously pick up good habits that counteract them.

Since inadequacies in electric generating capacity are likely to be a constraint on China's medium term growth objectives and potential, the Government has given high priority to electric power.

The inadequacies and vagaries of these two outdated schemes have bwildered and frustrated generations of library users.


At home, I'd relive each encounter, writhing at the thought of my inadequacies.

History is that certainty produced at the point where the imperfections of memory meet the inadequacies of documentation. 不可靠的記憶與不充分的材料相遇所產生的確定*就是歷史。

Their purpose was to supplement the inadequacies of Old Book of Tang.

Yet most continental Europeans were breezily optimistic. The long years of being lectured about their inadequacies by the Anglo-Saxons were over.

The Revelations on the inadequacies of the 1990 paper do not undermine the case that humans are causing climate change, and other studies have produced similar findings.

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