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“election day”簡單造句,election day造句子

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Politicians seem less and less interested in foreign-policy matters that pay no dividends on election day.

Chris Mann of the University of Miami argues that support for independent candidates tends to fade as election day approaches and parties rally around their nominees.

On election day they voted freely without coercion.

As election day approaches, this factor will become more and more important.

So if the Republicans can maximise the number of people thinking about terror on election day, maybe they can hang on to both arms of Congress.

election day造句

He wants to show that he is on the case, at least until election day.

Article 165 After a people's court has accepted a case concerning the credentials of voters, it must conclude the case before the election day.

On election day, he fled the state for the more flattering photo opportunity of joining Barack Obama in the White House Rose Garden to announce tighter national fuel-efficiency standards for cars.

General Wardak explained that, on election day, the domestic and international forces are preparing "for the worst possible scenario" and will have four-tiers of security in place.

The young politician went down the street on election day giving everyone the glad hand.

On election day, many of them were barred from polling stations, some of which closed early.

Article 165 After entertaining a case concerning voting qualification, a people's court must conclude the trial before the election day.

With rain in the forecast for election day and the polls saying an unprecedented number of potential voters are undecided or unlikely to cast ballots, turnout Tuesday is expected to be low.

As we stood on a hillside with a spectacular view of the mountains, he said he would support me, but he didn’t think Hammerschmidt would have enough of Nixon’s crap on him to stink by election day.

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