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“fit with”簡單造句,fit with造句子

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The findings here fit with acute erosive gastropathy, but there are other patterns.

The home secretary's numbers will fit neatly on a Ukip poster, but they do not fit with the downward trend in non-EU student numbers.

An unbinned maximum likelihood method is used in the lifetime fit with event-by-event resolution functions.

A gas deal with China would fit with Russia's strategy to diversify its energy trade away from sluggish markets in Europe towards the east.

Section II said our country want to build a harmonious society, "restore" ideas in restorative justice and fit with the concept of "harmony".

The opportunities she was offered to work with older people didn’t fit with her timetable, but she was given the chance to create and lead a project of her choice instead.

The trend seemed to fit with temperature data over the period, which showed that the entire area had been consistently warming, the researchers report in the December issue of Heredity.

You can adjust the interval to fit with your environment.

Events like these fit with general forecasts of weather trends in a warming climate.

For the most part, interactions between men are emotionally controlled -a good fit with the social requirements of "manly behavior".

The junction of bonding jumper should be clean and covered with conductive paste. And the tightening moment for bolt must fit with equipment wiring requirements.

It also thinks that the proper and effective operation of the main engine must fit with the astern condition, ensure safety in sailing.

Also, I personally believe, long term, higher level declarative languages will have a better fit with the cloud as they will be more portable than lower level languages that assume a specific runtime.

fit with造句

Does this fit with the mores of contemporary society?

Govern your own virtual metropolis as you see fit with Sim City4.

It seems a natural use of the + even though it doesn't fit with the traditional way that + is used.

Though the vocalisations varied, the team found that the patterns of changes fit with evolutionary splits in the human and ape family tree.

Ministers do not know why, on the contrary, they all feel that the 18-year-old and feudal Qin Sanlang's talent is a natural fit with the princess, and they all shout loudly.

It's a good way to keep fit with more exercise.

The moving element and the driven hanger piece of the door page adopt gomphosis sliding fit with the fastening element.

If you can build a career that leverages your passions and your strengths while being a good fit with your personality, your chances of success increase dramatically.

It might not fit with our philosophy.

I heard of it, but wasn't familiar with what it was or how it fit with money management.

The notion that gold is more expensive than ever happens to fit with a larger narrative that also does not square with the facts - namely, that inflation is an imminent threat.

In the past, the practice was that the individual had to fit with the pattern.

An attempt of setting a rule that does not fit with the 'spirit' of the social structure leads to active resistance to the rule or to its ignorance.

Measured thermal rate constants were fit with a model incorporating this information.

"That would actually fit with what we say in Shaking the Heavens, as the references we found to stealth aircraft were in the context of attacking enemy forces on the ground," he said.

Take Home Lesson: it doesn't need to be a formal strategic plan - but do know why you're doing what you do and be willing to filter things that don't fit with that goal from your daily activities.

XPDL 2.0 is explicitly designed to fit with BPMN.

To fit with this change, the party should establish new production relations to suit with the development of advanced productive force;

As we know, SOA does not fit with monolithic applications or with their integration that does not change the ownership model but rather preserves it.

Tags:fit 造句
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