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But if each peasant has to scan her irises every time she picks up her ration, it will be harder to scam the system.

Luckily for the sceptics, and to my intense disappointment, I have now been passed the damning email that confirms that the entire science of global warming is indeed a scam.

A vendor who only gave his surname of Li because of the sensitivity surrounding hairy crabs described a typical scam.

Because it is a serious offense in Nigeria to enter without a valid visa, the victim's illegal entry may be used by the scam artists as leverage to coerce the victims into releasing funds.

In the Italian culture of aesthetics, the artful scam has its place.

In each phishing scam, thousands of account holders are targeted by criminals, who send emails pretending to be from the customer's bank and directing them to enter their password on a bogus website.

Being Ripped Off: the uneducated are prey for scam artists, and know how people can use money, coercion and influence to take advantage of them.

Someone that says affiliate marketing is a scam is most-likely jealous and is clueless of what is going on.

Dead Alive is something a scriptwriter would write as a meat packing plant insurance scam, be caught because it's retarded, then found innocent by reason of insanity.


This particular scam has defied all industry efforts to defeat it in the past several years.

For example, my friend wanted help with the insurance scam because he needed the money.

Tags:造句 scam
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