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Rail scored nearly as well, but airplanes scored far worse, affecting climate up to 42 times more than trucking did.

For example, neither government wants to reopen negotiations on NAFTA, but Mexico wants to resolve a stubborn trucking dispute and expand economic integration.

There is no paper, no printing, no trucking and no retail space.

For moving freight, ships were best -- impacting climate up to 30 times less than trucking and actually often producing a cooling effect because of their sulfur emissions.

So far the main battleground has been trucking.

“Abundant capacity, particularly in trucking and ocean shipping, push rates down (last year), often below costs, ” Wilson said.


The government has also sought to tackle entrenched monopolies such as the trucking industry.

Given that October is usually a busy time for the trucking industry the index's creators say the decline "sounds an alarm" for growth in the fourth quarter.

There has been substantial deregulation at the federal level of airlines, trucking, railroads, oil, and natural gas, to name five large sectors.

The European honeybee, first imported to the Colonies some 400 years ago, has been the domesticated pollinator workhorse in the U.S. since people began trucking them up and down highways in the 1950s.

He cut his teeth breaking up a mob-connected trucking cartel[2].

You never could understand what it was that kept me trucking.

Tags:trucking 造句
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