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“number of calls”簡單造句,number of calls造句子

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7、Participants underestimated the number of calls they had made by an average of about 20%, and overestimated call duration by 40%.

11、When you need to reduce the number of calls further, you can employ caching techniques where applicable in the calling application.

3、Shows the number of calls to allocate space in the nonpaged pool.

8、In addition, the study revealed no evidence of increasing risk with progressively increasing number of calls, longer call time, or years since beginning cell phone use.

1、telephone meter for registering the number of calls made

6、This type of caching can greatly reduce the number of calls to back end resources, resulting in improved performance and greater scalability of your application.

number of calls造句

2、The design trades the number of calls for the amount of data transferred.

10、Self-dialing has somewhat reduced the number of calls the operators handle, but it has by no means eliminated them completely.

9、"When we look at our cases where children are sent away from schools because of disabilities," she said, "there are a disproportionate number of calls about charter schools."

12、This view provides exact information about the number of calls to methods, time spent in methods only, time spent and memory accumulated in selected methods and all their descendants, and so on.

5、I also forgot, this is the number of calls she calls, every time I hear her on the phone, laughing and dressing happily, I feel very sad.

4、Truss returns a list of the system calls, the total time spent executing the call, the number of calls, and any errors found.

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