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Phyl hastily quenched the light and withdrew, feeling sick and weak.

Meanwhile Tess had hastily dressed herself; and the twain, lighting a lantern, went out to the stable.

We live in a world where new regulations are being hastily and secretly prepared under emergency conditions and where the rule of law is being openly ignored.

A few may hastily drop a few COINS into a beseeching palm, and then execute a quick getaway in hopes that another 20 ragged pursuers won't immediately appear on the scene.

The young woman added hastily.

"I will denounce him!" exclaimed the young man hastily.

The opposite fear—that justice is being meted out too hastily and harshly—is held only by a minority.

However, many of the landlords thought it more politic to show allegiance to the monarch and hastily adopted titles like the King's Head or the Crown.

There may be other factors: much building was done hastily to prepare Montreal for the 1976 Olympic Games, and delaying road repairs is a favorite way to cut budget deficits.

She recoiled hastily at seeing a snake in the path.

Until hastily planted rubber trees mature, the advantage may lie with Continental rather than with its slimmed-down former suitor.

Scarlett heard Mammy's lumbering tread shaking the floor of the hall and she hastily untucked her foot and tried to rearrange her face in more placid lines.

She hastily cooked up an excuse.

She glared at him with distaste and Harry added hastily, Look, ask the field medic if you want.

Not any more. And certainly not to those passengers who were hastily booking alternatives to their BA flights this week as the threat of a long strike over Christmas loomed.

They accuse the president of hastily pushing economic privatization, education reforms, and massive infrastructure projects forward without proper consultation.


He hastily scrawled something on the paper.

And he clung to Catherine's arm, striving to detain her; but at that announcement she hastily disengaged herself, and whistled to Minny, who obeyed her like a dog.

Amid screams from adoring fans, Beckham, dressed in a black suit, appeared unconcerned with the crowd as he hastily made his way through to the awards.

A young girl dripping from the rain hastily applogized for the wrong door she'd opened: her eyes animatedly expressive, her face as fair as a flowering lily, her hair curling like clouds, and her figure graceful and sappy.

Mrs Bettencourt hastily issued a statement saying that she would "regularise" her assets abroad.

Diners would hastily turn to the more appetising part of the menu.

Tags:hastily 造句
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