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“hearing aids”簡單造句,hearing aids造句子

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7、Measurement of electroacoustical characteristics of hearing aids with induction pick-up coil input

11、This month, the FDA started taking steps to make hearing aids more affordable for more than the nearly 30 million Americans suffering from the frustration of hearing loss.

15、Many of these soldiers now wear hearing aids. That limitation alone may keep some from going back to the front line.

4、Do you think people notice your hearing loss more when you wear your hearing aids?

9、It calls for the provision of devices, including wheelchairs and hearing aids.

14、An advertisement for Miracle- Ear hearing aids shows a picture of a spaced-out youth, coiffured for Woodstock. “Back then you chose not to listen, ” says the caption.

5、No, but if you have hearing aids, to assist with hearing, you are labeled as disabled.

12、Lithium-ion batteries evolved from non-rechargeable lithium batteries, such as those used in watches and hearing aids.

3、General specification for pocket hearing aids

13、Drugs prescribed outside of hospitals, hearing aids, glasses, dental care and podiatry(足科) are not covered at all under Medicare.

8、Sound was becoming more and more distorted through the use of hearing aids.

6、Making affordable and properly fitted hearing aids and follow-up services more available can benefit hearing impaired people.

10、They also test hearing and prescribe hearing aids. The operating microscope (developed in 1921) and flexible endoscopy now permit them to operate on delicate internal structures.

hearing aids造句

2、To choose the suitable hearing aids.

1、Sir, what's wrong with your hearing aids?

正確、奇效地預防艾滋病(AIDS)的措施是(  )A.飲前便後洗手,不隨地吐痰B.不食用高脂肪、高膽固醇及高度... (3分)艾滋病(AIDS)是一種嚴重威脅人類健康的傳染病.下列有關艾滋病的說法不正確的是(  ) A.艾滋病的... 下列有關傳染病和免疫的敘述,正確的是(  )A.艾滋病(AIDS)的中文全稱爲獲得*免疫缺陷綜合徵,艾滋病患者... 艾滋病(AIDS)是由人類免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染引起的一種混合免疫缺陷病。關於這種病說法錯誤的是(    ... 艾滋病是英文名稱AIDS的譯音,也有的書上以*病字樣出現,於是有人望文生義,認爲這是由於愛而滋生的一種疾病。... 艾滋病是英文AIDS的譯音,是獲得*免疫缺陷綜合徵的簡稱,是由HIV(病毒)引起的。該病於1981年在美國發現... 下列關於細胞與生命活動關係的描述正確的是(  )A.引起SARS和AIDS的病原體均無細胞結構,其生命活動與細... 艾滋病(AIDS)是目前威脅人類生命的重要疾病之一。能導致艾滋病HIV病毒是RNA病毒。它感染人的T淋巴細胞,... 下列關於HIV感染人體後的敘述,錯誤的是A.人體內HIV濃度增加時T細胞數量減少B.HIV能導致AIDS患者免... 下列有關艾滋病(AIDS)的敘述,正確的是  (  )A.某些逆轉錄酶抑制劑可用於治療艾滋病B.艾滋病主要是通... AIDS,即獲得*免疫缺陷綜合症,是由人類免疫缺陷病毒HIV引起的,感染者死亡率極高。下圖是HIV感染人體後,... HIV能透過細胞表面的CD4(一種受體蛋白)識別T細胞,如果給AIDS患者大量注*用CD4修飾過的紅細胞,紅細... 閱讀下列資料,並分析回答問題: 艾滋病的全稱是“獲得*免疫缺陷綜合徵”,英文縮寫爲“AIDS”,艾滋病患者是由... HIV能透過細胞表面的CD4(一種受體蛋白)識別T細胞(如圖*),如果給AIDS患者大量注*用CD4修飾過的紅... 下列有關艾滋病(AIDS)的敘述,正確的是(  )A.艾滋病可透過蚊蟲叮咬傳染B.某些逆轉錄酶抑制劑可用於治療...
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