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The Securities and Exchange Commission should work with states to develop standards for default loss projections.

Results:Taste buds were found in the epithelium of the warty projections and the lateral wall of the pit;

The team's projections indicate that during the second half of the century, too little snow will be available to the seals.

Researchers have created maps delineating how brain regions not adjacent to one another are connected by long tracts of cellular projections called axons.

This essay argues that Western discourse of China and the crisis USES China as a mere surface of projections that are not too much related to the realities of China.

The delicate projections may aid, like snorkels, in respiration.

What are the fundamental driving factors behind the strong earnings growth projections?

On MAY 3rd, the United Nations produced its two-yearly update of the world's population, which includes projections.

Objective to research the orientational projections of the primary afferent fibers of the rat's femoral nerve to the substantia gelatinosa (SG) of spinal cord.

The Humvee is by far the American military's most visible vehicle, and thus one of the more visible projections of American power and influence and waste around the world.

There are 18 guerilla marketing secrets, and they guarantee you will exceed your most optimistic projections.

The forecast augurs well, yet inflation has of late been running ahead of the central bank's projections.

The tube wall of same section of near end of said piston chamber has three uniformly distributed small projections to prevent the piston out of the piston chamber from near end.


Work closely with your accountant to develop realistic projections.

There are three popular map projections in Antarctica-Polar Stereographic projection, Transverse Mecator projection and Lambert Conformal Conic projection.

In this case, a large "staghorn" calculus (so named because the prominent projections of the stone into the calyces resemble deer antlers) was present that filled up the pelvis and calyceal system.

Marked by irregular projections and indentations on the edge or surface.

It's just you can't predict to which teams they will happen, so there's no way to include these extremes in your projections.

Neurons possess an innate tendency to extend branched projections from the cell body known as dendrites.

Demographors are perhaps best known for making population projections.

Such valuations are based on the improbable projections that all of the company’s non-tradable shares still held by the state parent are equal in value to the traded shares.

On the basis of the principal qualification for all conformal projections, the application for the above three projections in Antarctica are specified.

But since these latest demographic projections, he has been touring Australia's big cities warning that the country must lift productivity, or risk unsustainable budget deficits later on.

Over the past year, Unep has pulled together projections from a number of research centres that model climate trends.

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