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“Don Quixote”簡單造句,Don Quixote造句子

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7、The Man Who Killed Don Quixote '(Terry Gilliam, unfinished)?

11、Freely Flying Life in the Air:An Interpretation of Madness in Don Quixote by Cervantes;

15、1605: The first part of Don Quixote by Miguel DE Cervantes was published in Madrid on January 16.

19、Larger monitors set up around the middle gallery display scenes from such classics as Orson Welles's unfinished “Don Quixote” (a tirade by the don against that Devil's invention, cinema).

23、Menard is an early 20th century French writer who decides to rewrite a 16th century Spanish masterpiece, the Don Quixote of Miguel Cervantes.

27、His magnum opus, Don Quixote DE la Mancha, is considered by many to be not only the first modern novel, but also one of the greatest works in Western literature.

31、By the end of the story, Don Quixote's natural goodness convinces even his sidekick,

4、Don Quixote: I feel much better now.

9、In real life, the trial, dubbed Don Quixote, will see two spacecraft launched.

14、Don Quixote imagined they were rich ladies, taking an evening walk in front of the castle walls.

20、we find that Don Quixote is a story of the unending human search for truth and goodness in the face of difficulty.

25、perhaps Don Quixote seems crazy only because we live in a world which often sees love and heroism as types of madness.

30、At the root of Don Quixote's madness is his idealism.

5、"I am sure that this was Friston," said Don Quixote.

12、Don Quixote is an outstanding comedy in the history of European literature.

18、 Reading Confucius's books is neither praised nor wrestled. It is appropriate to say that he is a Don Quixote.

26、Those titles that Eikhenbaum keeps talking about -how Don Quixote was Made, how Gogol's Overcoat was Made - reflect the preoccupation of the Russian formalists with how literature is put together.

Don Quixote造句

2、an English version of Don Quixote

10、I do not own the original, friends say that I mean some of Don Quixote.

21、The viceroy went over to Don Antonio, and asked in a low voice did he know who the Knight of the White Moon was, or was it some joke they were playing on Don Quixote.

29、Your action is quite like Don Quixote's .

8、Although the idealistic and chivalric Don Quixote is thought to be mad,

22、La Mancha's windmills were famously captured in Miguel DE Cervantes's Don Quixote, when the bumbling knight of the title rushes the windmills, thinking they're giants.

3、The Hamlet/Don Quixote Dichotomy in Nostromo

17、After that, there were all of these unfinished things, including When Will You finish Don Quixote, remember it?

6、Don Quixote is laughable, but is a idealism incarnation throughout.

28、Sancho promises to return as quickly as he can, and after watching Don Quixote take off his trousers and do a headstand to indicate his madness, he sets off on Rocinante.

24、Further maintenance will almost certainly be necessary to correct, for instance, dashes in names or other names (such as Don Quixote DE la Mancha).

1、Falstaff is a sort of Don Quixote, yet not quite like Don Quixote, etc.

16、Of foreign authors I am familiar with Maupassant and the Goncourts. I have yet to finish Don Quixote!

13、In this sequel of sorts, Mo-wan is back, much transformed, having given up the Don Quixote of illusory ideals for the Don Juan of immediate gratification.

Tags:Quixote 造句 Don
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