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“proposed that”簡單造句,proposed that造句子

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It is proposed that root pruning increased WUE by decreasing Gs significantly and shoot pruning increased WUE by increasing CE.

It was initiated and proposed that we look at Northwest China from a perception of modernization and that we plan and carry on the construction of Northwest China.

The method disposing abandoned stope is summarized, and it is proposed that the abandoned stope be disposed by roof cutting and pillar dilapidation.

Now that the Mainland and Taiwan have jointed the WTO, the Taiwan side has proposed that questions between the two sides can be resolved within the framework of the WTO.

To industrialize China's small rechargeable battery and develope it healthfully, this paper proposed that current Ni/ Cd battery performance level should be improved, Ni/ MH battery should enter into the market, then devote major effors to develope Li-ion battery.

because the staging of human embryos is complex, owing to the continuous process of change during development, it is proposed that a new system of classification could be developed using the terms mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah (what Muhammad said, did, or approved of).

I proposed that we set aside propaganda and work out some agreed principles.

As an alternative, his team proposed that human cells might prevent the chimpanzee viruses from even invading.

The IPO has also proposed that cases should be referrable to the Tribunal by licensing bodies and not just by users of copyrightable material.

In 1959, just 2 years after physicists worked out that explanation for superconductivity, some of them proposed that similar pairing may happen inside incredibly hot, hugely pressurized neutron stars.

Finally, this paper has proposed that which kind of tactics should be adopted in order to tackle the risk caused by the increase of surrender rate in the cycle of raising interest rate.

I proposed that we should all go and eat ices in the park.

Sigmund Freud proposed that the mind was divided into three parts: the id, the ego and the superego.

Therefore, it is proposed that the test strip can be a primary means for in situ assessing the effect of xenoestrogen exposure.

The meeting proposed that during the “Twelfth Five-year Plan” period, rural power grid will be universally upgraded and power consumption of rural residents and farming be better guaranteed.

So physicists proposed that the galaxies are surrounded by halos of invisible matter.

Instead of scrapping the levy, Mr Fukuda proposed that from next year its proceeds would be applied to the general budget.

Many of the TV frequency bands have been vacated by TV's move to digital, so, in a country hungry for wireless resources, it was proposed that this spectrum get redirected to mobile access use.

Also this year, a Swedish geographer proposed that Atlantis wasn't near the Mediterranean at all but was, in fact, Ireland.

She proposed that search engines imitate that role by adding technology AIDS, like prominent Suggestions for related content or an automated chat system, to help children when they get stuck.

proposed that造句

It is proposed that the drift of the continents was vectored by westward forces.

Howard Wiseman of Griffith University proposed that it might be possible to measure the direction a photon (particle of light) was moving, conditioned upon where the photon is found.

Evans says previously researchers had proposed that the stratum corneum had a structure that was capable of expanding as it absorbed water.

American sociologist who proposed that deviant behavior results when a society offers no acceptable means of achieving acceptable goals.

We proposed that architectural creation shouldn't just be safety and accordance with utilizing function, but should leave memory of esthetical quantity even soul induction in people's heart.

It is proposed that the occasion should be marked by a dinner.

Not long ago, Dr Hong Hai proposed that we should surpass the ''Speak Mandarin Campaign''. We should enable even more Chinese not only speak, but also to read and write Mandarin, so that they can more fully enjoy their own culture and embark on the search of their own roots.

Tags:造句 proposed
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