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The railroad slopes up slightsly at this point.

Genslinger is in a position to know the intention of the railroad.

The railroad decided one day that Mill Greek would be a good place to keep water for its hot, thirsty engines.

They stepped out from among the ruins of their sagebrush booth upon a patch of hard, bare earth close to the railroad track.

His father, Anderson Lucas, was an alcoholic and former railroad employee who had lost his legs in a train accident, and who suffered from Viola's wrath as often as his son.

a railroad crossing; a pedestrian crossing.

They ran a railroad into the forest region.

After the signing of the Maguan Treaty, Britain and France contend with each other for the sovereign right of Dian?Shu Railroad, and attempt to take control of thefield and resources along the railroad.

Father's a railroad President and many times millionnaire, but the son's starving in 'Frisco, editing an anarchist sheet for twenty-five a month.

Anderson did grow up poor. Her father, a railroad laborer, died when she was 12; she didn’t attend high school because her family depended on money she earned from singing and domestic work.

The mainissue is intrusion of highway vehicles on the railroad.

"Railway employees would always ride for free," he said of the time when the railroad was run by Africans.

In short, their theory was that the ICC's approval of the railroad rate increase would ultimately have the effect of making their visits to local parks less pleasant because of an increase in litter.


The building of the railroad is progressing.

The stock of the A. B. railroad is not worth a straw.

The two find themselves in a chilling (heh) situation when the engineer dies of a heart attack leaving just them and a female railroad worker trapped on the out of control train.

All he had to do was buy a railroad.

In her novel the railroad owner, Dagny Taggart, an enterprising industrialist, has a FedEx-like vision for expansion and first-rate service by rail.

The railroad gives free transportation for a certain amount of baggage.

Butterfield's railroad lost some money.

Robert Lee Shields, Mrs. Obama's great-grandfather, married Annie Lawson in 1906 and worked as a laborer and a railroad porter but disappeared from the public record sometime around his 32nd birthday.

to railroad a bill through congress

A city of southeast South Africa on an inlet of the Indian Ocean. It grew rapidly after the completion of the railroad to Kimberley in1873. Population, 281, 600.

Negro slaves took great chances to escape to freedom. Many gained their freedom through the so-called "underground railroad."

Tags:造句 railroad
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