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This is one of the most painful emotional wounds one can sustain.

He has also tried to heal wounds within the country, visiting every prefecture in the nation during his reign.

Placed on serious wounds, maggots mimic their "wild" lifestyle and munch on bacteria and dead tissue, stimulating healing and helping to prevent infection.

Ever since the first human stumbled across the first herb that aided in healing, humans have been on a quest to cure disease, and heal wounds.

Rats with wounds treated with the peptide had significantly less scarring than control mice. Skin cells on the injured mice treated with it also regenerated similar to human embryos and newborns.


And the site's cheeky bravado rubs salt in the wounds.

Cherokee ritual called "going to the water" could heal negative thoughts as poultices healed wounds.

On Wednesday came a fourth attack, a Ukrainian man with leg wounds believed to have been caused by a shark.

Her murder had been grisly — a rope to strangle her from behind, 16 stab wounds to the chest and arms, and three deep slices across the neck.

‘Consider, if this wounds both Mr Cibber and me (who neither of us set up for immaculate chastity) what must it do with those who possess that inestimable treasure?’

Let me be Your balm, To heal Your unseen wounds.

First, time — if you have enough of it — can heal wounds.

Remorse is a mixture of good will and bad faith: a sincere desire to close old wounds and a secret wish to be left alone.

Hauled aboard, the body turns out to be alive, to have two bullet wounds and to have a capsule embedded under the skin, which contains the code to a Swiss bank account.

Stephen, shielding the gaping wounds which the words had left in his heart, said very coldly:

dark brown syrupy balsam from the Peruvian balsam tree used especially in dressing wounds and treating certain skin diseases.

A few boughs, though, are still drooping, nursing the wounds made in their bark by the sticks which beat down the dates; while, rigid as iron, the straightest and longest boughs silently pierce the strange, high sky, making it blink in dismay.

The biker was badly hurt, in a lot of pain, and frightened. Blood was pouring out of his wounds.

Details are unclear about how the fight went down between the two rivals and the golden-gal, but all three individuals soon turned up at the hospital sporting stab wounds.

The fourth photographer, Michael Christopher Brown, suffered shrapnel wounds to his left shoulder, but his life was not in danger.

Five of the injured had multiple gunshot wounds.

She got deep psychological wounds.

Well, maybe someday I will, after my wounds heal and the scars fade away.

It also helps wounds heal quickly. The body stores little vitamin C. so we must get it every day in foods such as citrus fruits, tomatoes and uncooked cabbage.

John Weinman, professor of psychiatry at King's College London, monitored the stress levels of a group of volunteers and then inflicted small wounds on them.

Tags:wounds 造句
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