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In both cases, we would simply show them familiar objects and say encouraging things like “This is a blue crayon” or “This crayon is green.”

Write a holiday greeting on the front in crayon, and place a personal message inside the card.

You'll find yourselves spending an inordinate amount of time together at 3 a.m. folding laundry and cleaning crayon marks off the walls.


I can find my crayon.

The crayon had been worn down to a stub.


The first sketches of the diary are painted in vivid water-colours, but the following pages were done only in black. The last pages were drawn with black crayon and pens.

There's a crayon and some paints.

Sometimes Miele traces, crayon-like, the indistinct flowers from one layer onto another. Other times, he insists they remain like mirages from the bottom of a pool.

Show me your purple crayon.

Everything is either vintage or Ikea and I'm ok when the occasional red crayon gets used on the sofa!

Who took my crayon box?

She retrieved the magazine and opened it to a page featuring a catwalk model in a blue dress with a yellow cape that she had circled in blue crayon.

On a window in Kotka, a slightly battered mosquito sits silhouetted against a mosaic of water drops, each reflecting spring sky and the crayon colors of nearby buildings.

Show me your blue crayon.

Right before doing so, they read aloud their participant number written in either red or gray crayon.

If in a hotel wedding, usually not ready pencil or crayon, lest the children everywhere graffiti.

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